We're an 12 year old professional event planning company that organizes & promotes fairs & festivals around SWFL. Interested in vending? Please click on the event/date and read the description for all of the requirements before purchasing. Food Trucks & company reps please email Christy Dunn at: LLSN@comcast.net to check availability before purchasing. PLEASE READ OUR TERMS & COMPANY POLICY before purchasing. ALL EVENTS ARE NON refundable and NON transferrable to future dates for any reason including weather. Please be sure to have the date available.
Follow us on Facebook at Local Ladies Social Network, Inc. / LLSN Events
Vendors can download our free LLSN EVENTS app. Get it on Google Play or Download on the App Store.
Sunday, Dec 7th 10am-3pm Set up starts around 8am unless the vendor line is blocking the right of way of traffic then we start 7:30 or 7:45am. We do not assign spaces. We set up as everyone arrives. You will be able to drive up to you space to unload and then again to load up at the end.
Free public admission & Free Parking
Participants MUST stay the entire event. Failure to do so may result in forfeiting participation in future events. Only one business per spot. Spots are given on a first come first serve basis. Must bring your own table & chairs. Must provide your own table cover. (Any Color) Customers like to shop a variety, therefore, we are an open market and do not give exclusive spots for events to any one type of vendor. Only one direct sales rep is allowed per event because of their company’s policies. We do not allow other coordinators to solicit vendors at our events. All vendors are to refuse any flyers being passed out to them and please let the event manager know immediately. It has caused too much confusion in the past.
All fees are non-refundable. Please make sure you have the date available to attend before paying. Set up starts at 8:00AM. Upon arrival, we will direct you to your spot. Event Staff will be at the entrance of the park and will assist you with direction. All attendees will unload their items at their spot, then park in the parking lot. All participating vendors are responsible for what they are selling and their own businesses. Any licenses, insurances required or sales tax reporting required by state is the sole responsibility of the vendor. Canopies/tents are permitted. Maximum 10x10ft. NO TENTS BIGGER THAN 10X10 ARE PERMITTED. All tents must be weighted down. All tents must be weighted down. All tents must be weighted down. This is a must. Any vendor that doesn’t have weights, will not be able to set up a tent. Vendors will be held responsible if their tent is lifted by the wind and it causes any damage or harm to any person, place or thing. Electricity is not available
Liability: In consideration of the acceptance of the right to participate, entrants and participants, by execution of this entry form hereby release and discharge any cause of action against Local Ladies Social Network, Inc. and any other entity connected with the management and/or presentation of the event for any and all known or unknown damages, injuries, losses, and/or claims whatsoever, that may be suffered by an entrant and/or participant or his/her property with respect to participation in the event. By paying to participate you agree to the terms here within. You must be 18 years or older to purchase a space.
“Company Policy: All of our events are rain or shine. Severe weather would result in canceling. Fees are not refunded, not credited and not transferred to a future date for any reason including severe weather cancellations. (Lightning, hurricane, high winds, etc. ) Events are NOT rescheduled. Inside events, please note that inside spots are limited. Once inside is filled we will update the website that the event is sold out of space. Please make sure to have the date of the event available. Paid vendor fees are not transferable to future events. ALL events are first come first serve. Your payment secures your spot. All participating vendors are responsible for what they are selling & their own businesses. Any licenses, insurances required, or sales tax reporting required by state or city is the sole responsibility of the vendor. Participants MUST stay the entire event or they may forfeit participation in future events. Only one business per spot. Spots are given on a first come first serve basis. All events are public events and are advertised and marketed as so. By participating you hereby consent to social media marketing including but not limited to any photographs and/or videos taken at the event to be posted to our social media pages. All events are non-refundable. Liability: In consideration of the acceptance of the right to participate, entrants and participants, by execution of this entry form hereby release and discharge any cause of action against Local Ladies Social Network, Inc. and any other entity connected with the management and/or presentation of the event for any and all known or unknown damages, injuries, losses, and/or claims whatsoever, that may be suffered by an entrant and/or participant or his/her property with respect to participation in the event. By paying to participate you agree to the terms here within. You must be 18 years or older to purchase a space. **We do not permit political or any controversial vendors at any of our events** Conduct policy: All vendors are expected to act in a professional manner. LLSN staff reserves the right to ask any vendor to leave the event for any misconduct towards our staff, other vendors or customers. No questions asked. Fees are non refundable. Any vendor that is asked to leave an event due to misconduct will forfeit all future events and any/all pre paid future events with LLSN.
**We do not permit political or any other controversial vendors at any of our events** Conduct policy: All vendors are expected to act in a professional manner. LLSN staff reserves the right to ask any vendor to leave the event for any misconduct towards our staff, other vendors or customers. No questions asked. Fees are non refundable. Any vendor that is asked to leave an event due to misconduct will forfeit all future events and any/all pre paid future events with LLSN.
We're a privately owned professional event coordinating company. We've been in business for 12 years! We have many events including fairs, festivals, markets, and social events throughout the year to help boost the local economy. Most events are free public admission and are family friendly. We’re seeking vendors for our upcoming events. We strive to provide successful events with excellent opportunities for local businesses to associate their selves with. We believe by purchasing from local vendors it keeps your money in circulation within the local community, creating & maintaining local jobs and sustainability. When supporting your local small businesses, not only are you supporting someone's dream but you're supporting local families! Our community events support our local small businesses, residents and charities as well as provide fun for all! Copyright 2025 Terms & Conditions: Please click here to read all terms & conditions before purchasing a space. https://www.llsnevents.com/pages/terms